“A movement only exists when people are inspired to move, to do something, to make the cause their own.” – Simon Sinek
Welcome to 2020! With the change of the calendar, many of us are inspired to make changes in our lives. Perhaps we set personal or professional goals; maybe we create an intention about our attitude and mindset for the coming year; often we look to simplify and declutter or physical and mental space. I am a planner and improver by nature, with Strategic and Futuristic in my top 10 Gallup Strengthsfinder results. I love to look to the future and think about how I can purposefully create a spiffed up and tweaked version of myself by making small and incremental changes in my thought patterns, habits and behaviors.
A couple of years ago, the IUAA Career and Professional Development (CPD) team read the book, One Word that Will Change Your Life, by Jon Gordon. The concept of the book is to select a word that will inspire you throughout the calendar year in all areas of your life – personal, professional, financial and spiritual. My past words included love and enjoy. I am still pondering my word for 2020, and I am also thinking about a word for the CPD department. For CPD, the word movement keeps rising to the top.
As the staff engage in organizational planning throughout the IUAA, Team CPD is intentionally thinking about how we make the work we are so passionate about doing – helping alumni find work they love achieve professional wellness –more accessible to all of our alumni. We want to create a movement, where alumni gain professional resources, expertise and confidence through IUAA, and in turn, want to share their experience, wisdom and support with other alumni. Over the last month, the CPD team has conducted several focus groups with alumni and IU staff partners to learn how we can have great impact on our alumni’s professional lives, and we invite you to share your ideas, if you have not already.
Likewise, we know that alumni are already helping one another out professionally. Hoosiers are an altruistic bunch, and the pay-it-forward attitude abounds. In fact, several alumni purchased IUAA career coaching packages for family and friends this holiday! If you have a story of how you are helping other alumni professionally or you have been helped by another IU alum professionally, we would love to hear your story. You are part of the IUAA career movement, you are making the cause your own, and your stories inspire us at IUAA! Email CPD at iuaacpd@iu.edu.