As you may know, it is time to update our five-year strategic plan. This message is an update on strategic planning activities next steps.
We want you to stay engaged in this process, since the final plan will only be a strong as the feedback we receive.
We will be seeking additional input on two key elements of the plan: the core priorities of the 2015-2020 plan and then the complete plan that includes objectives, outcomes, and metrics.
We have gathered input from our many stakeholders to help shape the 2015-2020 plan for your IU Alumni Association. We appreciate IU leadership and the hundreds of IUAA board and executive council members, IUAA alumni community leaders, IU/IUAA alumni relations staff members, IU advancement partners, alumni volunteers, and future alumni (current students) who have shared their insights. Thank you very much.
We have been poring over all the feedback and prepared a “Strategic Plan Framework” document. It summarizes direction and insights from the IUAA Board of Managers, IU Bicentennial Strategic Plan, and our many stakeholder groups. It also gives a very early glimpse of three core priority statements.
Rebecca Keith and I are working with the IUAA executive team to draft the IUAA Strategic Plan. The IUAA Board of Managers has the final word and ultimate oversight of that plan. The Board intends to adopt it at our November meeting and we are on track to meet their deadline.
Please contact me directly – jt@iu.edu – if you are interested in reading any of the reports from the stakeholder insight session in which you participated. As always, please also share your other ideas, suggestions, and questions.
Many thanks for your commitment to IU and its alumni. We look forward to hearing more from you in the days ahead. Please keep an eye peeled for invitations to help refine our priorities and overall plan.
For Our Beloved Alma Mater,