Welcome To Campaign

Welcome to the IU Family

As IU alumni, we share a unique bond that connects us no matter where in the world we are. We’re all part of the IU family. Whether recent graduates, new to the area, or just new to the group, it’s so important that we welcome new alumni into our family—and into our communities.

Making someone feel like they belong goes a long way in continuing their involvement. These “welcome to” events, hosted by chartered alumni communities, can be one-on-one interactions, longer networking events, or virtual “hello” emails—whatever works best for your community, volunteers, and alumni.

Let's Get Started

Follow these steps for initiating the “Welcome To” campaign.

Step 1: Activation

Complete and submit the Welcome To Campaign activation form.

Step 2: Resources

Once your activation is received, you’ll receive an email that explains the expectations of this campaign, a link to access the available resources, and information about reporting requirements. This email will provide you with access to campaign-specific resources, including:

  • Email copy for general “welcome to” message
  • Email copy for event promotion
  • Social media copy and images
  • Postcard template
  • Excel template for Welcome To event attendee list (virtual or in-person)

Step 3: Reporting

You should complete the Welcome To Campaign reporting form by May 15. This form allows you to report how you welcomed new alumni to your community. If you are hosting an in-person or virtual event, we ask that you include a list of attendees in Excel format. An Excel template will be provided.

For more information about the Welcome To Campaign, please contact your IUAA liaison.