This year marks my 3rd IU Homecoming with the IUAA programs team. Homecoming is the largest signature event that we plan each year, and it’s estimated that nearly 2,500 alumni and community members joined us for the parade and our annual Hoosier Huddle event. Fortunately, I have the pleasure of working with a very talented group of people who collaborate to make IU Homecoming a little bigger and little better each year. In the end, our reward is seeing the many smiling faces of our beloved alumni and volunteers enjoying themselves with their families and friends. And it’s collaboration that helps realize that goal.
Collaboration is one of IUAA’s core values, and here is just a snippet of how we live this value during Homecoming Season:
Marketing: What can I say? We work with the best! The programs and marketing team work together each year to come up with a plan to bring you fun and engaging advertising, social media posts, digital files that you can use on your own social media pages, live streaming video from the parade, Alumni branded swag (who doesn’t LOVE swag!), and a whole host of other Homecoming content.
IUAA Communities Team: The success of IU Homecoming would not be possible without the collaboration of our committed and devoted Alumni Communities Team. These folks work diligently to bring back our beloved alumni volunteers for a weekend of fun, IU spirit-filled excitement and recognition. We also rely on the Communities team to host the Homecoming Parade VIP experience. They are a top-notch group of professionals who go above and beyond to welcome you “Home!”
Local Businesses: Over the years, we have established many relationships with downtown business owners, hotels and other shops to pair up and promote IU Homecoming week. At the beginning of Homecoming week, we supply local businesses with a kit that includes buttons, stickers, posters, table tents and other IU Homecoming novelties to display and give to customers in their place of business. The IU Homecoming Parade is truly a community event, and we rely on our partnership with Bloomington local business owners to engage and help us spread the spirit!
IUAA Staff: Our staff surpasses expectations to make sure that Homecoming runs smoothly and our lovely guests enjoy every minute of the time spent with us. My colleagues help with swag sorting, organizing homecoming banners, volunteering with the parade line up, loading and unloading boxes (LOTS of boxes!) to different locations, driving golf carts, setting tables with linens, check-in/registration, and most importantly, providing welcoming smiles during times of chaos. We could not make this event happen without the gift of time from our cherished IUAA staff members!
IU Homecoming weekend is a production that “takes a village” to create and produce. Through our partnerships with local business, community members, IU Athletics, and our own internal IUAA entities, we bring you a weekend of programming that is well thought out to enhance your experience and engage you with your beloved alma mater year after year. We are so thankful to those of you who were able to come back and spend this treasured, IU tradition-filled weekend with us. We truly hope you enjoyed your time with us and look forward to you joining us in 2018!