Cream and Crimson 2018: Calling All Alumni Leaders!

Around the time Spring Commencement activity wanes and graduation tents are put away, I start to dream about summer in Bloomington. Traffic lightens a bit, the grocery stores aren’t as busy, and restaurants don’t have a 45-minute wait (which is always nice!). This is when the planning for Cream and Crimson Alumni Weekend really goes into high gear, and I realize how much I miss all the people and activity once the students vacate the campus. Even though the students are no longer around, the excitement and energy continues at a high level because our alumni leaders look forward to an inspiring and fun-filled weekend each year.

Fortunately for our alumni leaders, we are working hard to make that happen and, as a result, Cream and Crimson Weekend registration is open now!

My very first Cream and Crimson Alumni Weekend was back in 1998 (I was only 6 but in the photograph I may look a tad older), and I have enjoyed a kind of camaraderie every June that only my IU Alumni Association can offer. This year promises to be more spectacular than ever with highlights that include a new leader orientation for newcomers, a banquet honoring top alumni volunteers, and our annual alumni barbecue.

June 7–9 will be a volunteer-celebrating, network-creating, friend-raising weekend you shouldn’t miss.

Sign upby May 28 to celebrate, network, and join the fun.

Posted in Events