I was recently having a conversation with an IU Alumni Chapter President about a career coaching event in her area, and the president asked, “Is career coaching just for people looking for a job?” It was a light bulb moment for me. If you have never worked with a career coach before, you might be wondering who coaching is for and what can be accomplished by working with a career coach.
Consider another common scenario with our alumni communities throughout the world. An alum new to the area reaches out to the alumni chapter, asking about the area, tips on key employers, and networking advice. Being of, by and for IU, the chapter wants to use Hoosier hospitality to help. How to help may not feel as obvious.
Enter the Career Guide for Indiana University Alumni. This document is serves as a partnership tool between the IUAA Career and Professional Development (CPD) department and the alumni communities that will help provide answers to both of the scenarios previously outlined. Here is a glimpse at the table of contents from the Career Guide.
- IUAA Career and Professional Development Lifetime of Engagement
- What is Career Coaching?
- Four Tips for Managing Your Career
- On the Bookshelf and Playlist of the CPD Coaches
- IU Campus and Alumni Resources
- Chapter and Local Information
The guide walks alumni through the inception of IUAA CPD, who the coaches are, the types of coaching offered, and what makes a great coaching relationship. (Spoiler: Career coaching is not just for job seekers!) Also provided are career management tips useful for all alumni, regardless of where they are in their career, and the coaches’ personal reading and listening favorites for professional growth.
Last but not least, the final pages of the Career Guide for IU Alumni allow each alumni community to customize the resource to their region. Communities may feature local job search resources, professional networking opportunities, and information on the growing industries in the area, for example.
I hope you find this to be a valuable resource for alumni in your region! Please reach out to me at erserwin@iu.edu or your IUAA Communities liaison for a digital version of the guide.