My new year’s resolutions are these: be a better listener, learn something new every day, and show gratitude. That last one is probably due to my love of thank-you notes. Some of the volunteers with whom I’ve worked are the same ones that have sent me hand-written notes over the years or verbally thanked me when we see one another at events. For some like me, being recognized feels amazing and propels us into greater service. It’s with that thought that I recall one big way we thank our volunteers: with IUAA awards programs. So, I started getting organized for the next class of IUAA President’s Award recipients. I perused the list of previous honorees for the award and I thought about those people with fondness and most of all, gratitude.
We will present the IUAA President’s Award to outstanding volunteer leaders in June during the Cream and Crimson Alumni Weekend, June 7-8, in Bloomington. Anyone in the IUAA family–staff or volunteer–may submit nominations. Submit qualified volunteers by February 28.
Email me at rekeith@iu.edu anytime for questions or comments.