Throughout the past three months, my college life has changed significantly. I had yet to learn I would have an opportunity to work with a great organization like the Alumni Association. Working with IUAA made me realize how big of a deal Homecoming is on the Bloomington campus. We hosted six events during the week, including a fantastic parade that was capped off with the alumni huddle tailgate. Without the help of my amazing coworkers, Kirsten, Dora, Bhavyaa, Kaitlin, Alex, led by our SAA President, Dhvani, and our advisor, Eryn, this week would not have been possible.
Throughout the week, I met some tremendous alumni during the Distinguished Alumni Service Award (DASA) luncheon and dinner, making some connections that I hope to keep in contact with for years to come. I met a few members of the DASA Club and look forward to meeting them again next year. This week was fantastic, and I already have a few ideas for next year! For example, I would love to get the Homecoming court more involved next year so that the students know who they are voting for.
I can’t wait to keep growing within this organization and am excited for what the next few years have in store. Learn more about Homecoming. More information about 2023 will be shared at a later date. See you there!