ALL IN Membership Challenge Results
Last June we kicked off our ALL IN Membership Challenge. We asked attendees to recruit 10 members. One year later, the results are in! A total of 202 members were recruited $12,220.50 in dues revenue was generated 20 alumni volunteers and 6 staff members participated in the challenge The following alumni volunteers recruited 1-10 members: …
Membership Update
As some of you heard in November during Executive Council, we began a journey last spring to identify a vision for membership that is sustainable, long-term, boosts alumni involvement, and generates increased revenue to support IU campuses and schools. We’ll be talking more about Membership at the Alumni Leaders Conference next week and before we …
Memorial Day Series, Part 4: Honor
The last piece of the Memorial Day series reflects honor. Memorial Day is all about honor—honoring those that gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country. Many of our IU alumni I reached out to talked about friends, family, and battle buddies that they lost. You can feel the emotion in their words. It just …
Awesome IU Prizes
Thank you to everyone who is participating in the ALL IN membership challenge! As a reminder, we have some awesome prizes lined up for you! Participants who recruit at least one member will receive an IU gift bag, which will include one of our exclusive IU IS AWESOME T-shirts (designed by IU graduate Larry Buchanan) and a pair …
Memorial Day Series, Part 3: Valor
Valor: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery. I cannot imagine facing death as part of my daily job but this is what our military members face every day. We have some amazing IU alumni that have done just that. Here are their thoughts about Memorial …
The Gift of Career Insurance
It’s graduation season and newly minted grads from all IU campuses are heading out into the career world armed with degrees to empower them on their new professional journey. Whether you are a twenty something millennial or a non-traditional aged student, synthesizing your collegiate experience into a career opportunity can be a daunting task. If …
Memorial Day Series, Part 2: Sacrifice
We all know that Memorial Day honors those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. These young men and women sign their lives away when they sign on the dotted line. Most jobs are not like that. I understand a little bit about sacrifice and what it can truly do someone that is left …
2014 Trustee Candidates
The 2014 Trustee election begins on June 1 and goes through June 30. One of our goals this year and one of our challenges for our volunteer leadership is to have 100% participation in the election. We have two candidates running for Trustee this year: Andrew Baldwin, BS’07 from Indiana University, MBA’13 from the Stanford …
Memorial Day Series, Part 1: Remembrance
This month, I thought I would write about a topic that is so close to my heart, Memorial Day. I am a military spouse whose husband is currently in the Indiana National Guard after serving in both the active Air Force and the active Army. Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday which occurs …
Membership Tips from Don & the Central Carolina Chapter
With five weeks to go, a total of 125 members have been referred in the ALL IN Membership challenge. Central Carolina Chapter President Don Kritsch tops our leaderboard with 21 member referrals. Don recently shared his member recruitment tips: Utilize existing IUAA membership resources. For example, having frequently observed an IU flag displayed at a local residence, we entered the …
IUAA Trustee Election Guidelines
The Indiana University Trustee election will be held June 1st to June 30th. Therefore, it is time to share the IU Alumni Association (IUAA) guidance on the election. Working closely with the Office of the Dean of University Libraries, the IUAA provides the mechanism for voting, raises awareness of the election, and promotes voting among …
Lewis’ member recruitment tips
With six weeks to go, a total of 123 members have been referred in the ALL IN Membership challenge. Lewis Jones is one of our four top alumni volunteers on the leaderboard, with 12 member referrals. Lewis shares his member recruitment tips with us today: I went to the members of the Alumni Board who had not …