
NCAA Compliance Affects Us All

Greetings, Volunteers: Our friends from the IUB Athletics Compliance Office – Briana Fields, Andy Humes, and Brendan Armitage — came by two weeks ago to tell us all about NCAA compliance.  It’s interesting stuff, truly, even for someone like me who knows more about Bach than basketball.  If you don’t think it applies to you, …

Posted in the following categories: Tips and Tools

How to (officially) be “IU”

Many of you order promotional products or use the IU marks in an official capacity as IUAA volunteers. That makes you IU’s brand warriors, helping IU maintain the integrity of our identities. We wanted you to have the latest info so that you can represent IU well. Big changes worth noting: Promotional products given away …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Alumni Leader Recognition Day is Coming Up!

As we have done in recent years, we are hosting YOU, our alumni leadership, for a special day to celebrate you and your dedication to IUAA. We invite you to come to Bloomington for Homecoming on Nov. 2! We have a block of tickets set aside for purchase (includes drinks and hot dog for each …

Posted in the following categories: Events

Membership Challenge Update

We are four months into our ALL IN membership challenge. To date, a total of 31 members have been referred. Kyle King currently leads the challenge with 11 members. Other alumni volunteers on the leaderboard are Alexa Johnson, Nancy Hamblin, and Dwight Kunkel. Way to go, volunteers! “I have found it easy to help build …

Posted in the following categories: Events

Leveraging Your Events, Part 2

Alumni events are a great opportunity to recruit and recognize members! During your event, set up a membership table (this can be part of your registration or welcome table). Encourage attendees to join or renew at the discounted event rate of $40 (regularly $50) as they check in. Another great time to ask attendees to join …

Posted in the following categories: Events

Greetings from the Professional Enrichment Movement at IUAA

Greetings from the new Professional Enrichment Movement at IUAA! It’s been an exciting time for me since I started my new role in September. I’ve been meeting with colleagues throughout the state and connecting with alumni around the globe who are thrilled that IUAA will be offering expanded career & professional enhancement services for members. …

Posted in the following categories: Spotlight

The IUAA Channels

Hello from Bloomington! Beautiful fall day here, hope it’s a great day in your part of the world. I wanted to let you know that we’re listening and are currently preparing a three-part social media series for our volunteers. Our team is working hard on this for you, and as we’re putting the final touches …

Posted in the following categories: Tips and Tools

Leveraging your Events

There are several ways to leverage your alumni events to grow membership. Here are some things you can do even before your event begins: Start with offering a discount to members of at least 20 percent or $5, whichever is higher. For example, at Hoosier Village tailgates, members pay $15 for the buffet, while non-members pay …

Posted in the following categories: Events

What We’ve Learned About our Alumni Magazine

Greetings IUAA volunteers. We love our redesigned IU Alumni Magazine. But, we were happy to find out that alumni love it too! Last month, we asked a panel of IU alumni for feedback on the magazine. We wanted you to know how it fared (and how we’re responding). Some of the findings below, hot off …

Posted in the following categories: Spotlight

Former Miss IU to Keynote Neal-Marshall Reunion

Nancy Streets-Lyons was the first and last black Miss IU, decades before a black woman would be named Miss America. “She is 73 now. Her eyebrows are thinner than they were in the old photos — her hair has turned gray. When she descends a staircase, she takes each step carefully. But there’s still a …

Posted in the following categories: Spotlight

So, what do I get if I join?

Does this sound familiar? It’s probably the number one question you receive when approaching an alum at one of your events about joining the alumni association. How do you come up with a quick, effective answer before losing them to the hors d’oeuvre table? In short, joining the IU Alumni Association is a great way to …

Posted in the following categories: Events

Announcing a New Member Benefit

We are excited to announce a new, career-enhancing offering available to our IUAA members: access to leading academic journals. We’ve partnered with IU libraries to give our members access to 2,000 academic journals and articles through JSTOR and Project MUSE. “These resources can help all IU alumni accelerate their careers through access to leading scholarly …

Posted in the following categories: Tips and Tools