It was strange to hold anything close to Cream and Crimson during a global pandemic. But we did – and it came off without a technical hitch at all!
Thanks to numerous IUAA staff members, the support of the University Events Team, and the participation of almost 200 alumni, we produced a good Virtually Cream and Crimson meeting on June 5! We had five major components in that short 2-hour window: a demonstration of the new Virtual Alumni Network by Lisa Koontz, the Executive Council Business Meeting, the Annual Meeting and Report by outgoing chair Deanna Crispen, a video message of encouragement by President Michael McRobbie and First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie, and most importantly, some inspiration by CEO J T. Forbes (complete with his IUPUI shirt on!). We felt the love from every campus of IU and hope you did too.
The event was the kickoff to the Virtually Cream and Crimson Summer Series, too. It’s been wildly successful also, and it’s shown how creative we are in these socially apart days.
Enjoy the full meeting video from June 5 and mark your calendars for June 10-12, 2021 when we hope to gather in person again.