Don’t worry! We didn’t attack any 4th grader’s bookbag. But my alumni community helped fill backpacks at this amazing program. Now in its 20th year, the initiative has made an enormous impact.
Since 1999 when the Indy BackPack Attack began, we have collected over 6 million school supplies and helped tens of thousands of students start the school year with the necessary tools to be successful. The program started as an idea to help a few children in the Indianapolis Public School system receive a backpack and school supplies for the year. Over the past twenty years the efforts grew and many companies in the Indianapolis community jumped in to help. IUPUI is one of the partners on the citywide committee along with Indiana Members Credit Union, UPS, and others.
We have a committee of about 20 people across campus who work on this project for our campus donations – a true collaboration! This is in addition to the other 100+ companies across the city that participate. Read more about this outstanding program.
Alumni from the campus volunteered at the IUPUI warehouse, which is the site for the city-wide drop off of school supplies, on Tuesday, July 23. Great alumni leaders like Duane King, member of the Executive Council and past president Herron School of Art and Design alumni board, Kareema Boykin, past president School of Social Work alumni board, and Dan Henkel, member of the IUPUI Alumni Council, and many others participated in this endeavor. Some of the activities was unloading supplies from cars and trucks, sorting and counting supplies, and boxing supplies for deliveries to local IPS schools.
In addition to being able to participate in a worthy cause, the alumni leaders, staff, and students had a lot of fun. I’m already looking forward to next year! If you, your company, or your alumni community would like to participate, just contact me anytime.