We may not be gathering in person, but the IU Alumni Association has some terrific opportunities to engage and learn something this summer!
Virtually Cream and Crimson
Virtually Cream and Crimson will be held on Friday, June 5, from 9-11:15 am. Pretty short schedule, huh? But we will make the most of it as you hear a welcome by J T. Forbes, an update on the IUAA Virtual Alumni Network, listen in on the Executive Council business meeting, and enjoy the Annual Meeting of the corporation (that’s IUAA, Inc). Find out more information on our Volunteer Leaders Intranet.
Virtual Mini U 2020
Join us June 8–12 for Virtual Mini U 2020. Free to all participants, this educationally enriching experience will feature prerecorded and live video presentations by IU’s finest. While we’ll miss passing you in the halls of the Indiana Memorial Union between classes, chatting over coffee and cookies, and visiting the Shawnee Theatre, we’re excited to engage with you online this summer. Register today!
Thanks for all you do all year, alumni volunteers. And if you aren’t able to join us virtually this time around, we’ll see you at our soonest available time.