Cream and Crimson Weekend 2017: Join The Fun

Many of you undoubtedly viewed the save-the-date video provided by our always-musical CEO, J T. Forbes. If not—go ahead and mark your calendars for Cream and Crimson Alumni Weekend, June 8–10, in Bloomington. As usual, the weekend will be a time to reconnect with other volunteers and discuss new Alumni Association initiatives. This year, though, we’ve added a few new interesting features.

A total of five sessions will be provided in three tracks:

  1. Executive Council/Board of Managers,
  2. Alumni Leaders, and
  3. Students.

We will also celebrate the achievements of stellar volunteer leaders through the presentation of the IUAA President’s Award. Throughout the weekend, we’ll collaborate, learn, and have good ole Hoosier fun. Check out the full schedule and look for the registration in your inboxes soon.

As you make your plans to join us, think about your time at IU (whether it was spent in Indianapolis, Bloomington, Richmond, Gary, or any other campus). When you enrolled as a student you became part of the IU family. Now when you attend sporting events and alumni gatherings of fellow family members, you feel it—and it’s powerful. The Spirit of Indiana promises something bigger than yourself. Through your dedication to the IUAA, you can help us fulfill that promise for others in the years to come.

Come to Bloomington this summer! We welcome you unreservedly.

Rebecca Keith, MM’96, PHR

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