Get To Know Estela Kite

As the Associate Director for market engagement for central and northeast Indiana, Estela Kite supports alumni engagement in both IUAA communities with an IU-Indianapolis focus.

Originally from Los Angeles, Estela grew up in Maryland. She completed her undergraduate studies at Mount St. Mary’s university, which is nestled on the side of a mountain in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Next, she attended Kent State in Ohio, where she obtained her master’s degree in higher education administration with a concentration in internationalization of higher education. After previously working in a diversity and inclusion office, Estela was eager to transition into international student support. She secured a job at IUPUI in the international affairs office supporting the international student experience, specifically directing the international peer mentoring program, which dealt with student events and experiences. She later arrived at the IUAA office, where she now serves as the Associate Director for Market Engagement.

Outside of work, Estela dedicates her time volunteering for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, a nonprofit organization aimed at pairing mentors, or “Bigs” with kids, or “Littles,” to nurture children, typically from underserved populations, and strengthen communities. Estela is currently matched with a young girl in her community, offering friendship, guidance, and positive role modeling. Their time spent together includes arts and crafts, playing board games, and having conversations about how they are feeling. Particularly in response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Estela was motivated to participate in this program to support children in her community. “I feel that there’s so many people in the world who are trying to restrict access to women’s fertility and their bodies, and yet, so few people are supporting the children that are unwanted and unsupported,” Estela said. “So, this was my way of making a difference in a child’s future that could potentially benefit all of us. I wanted to do something in our community that was towards the support of our children.” Estela acknowledges that it is a time commitment, but she finds fulfillment in mentoring the younger children and providing them with the attention and quality time they deserve.

During her leisure time, Estela indulges in many activities, including painting, crafting, journaling, reading, playing sports, board games, and more. “I generally like to look at things and imagine what they could be, so oftentimes I’ll redo things,” Estela said. “I have these nutcrackers I bought from the dollar store and my plan is to take off all the hair and repaint them and have them be part of next year’s holiday décor. I love taking stuff and adding my own spin to it.” Currently in her fourth season, Estela has also been participating in volleyball to overcome fear of being on the court. She enjoys lifting weights and gaining strength, as well as riding her bike.

Being mindful and present plays a vital role in Estela’s life as she navigates the challenges of mental health and practicing self-care. She sets time aside for herself to journal and prioritize outlets that provide a sense of balance, which enables her to show up fully for herself and others in her personal and work life. “If I can’t take care of myself, I can’t do my best for others,” she said. “That’s what motivates me to be mindful and grounded, plus being active and working out helps me be present with my body.”

In her personal and work life, Estela Kite is an inspiration to others around her. She brings warmth and humor to interactions, and her presence is a reminder to stay present and connected.

Posted in Events, Spotlight

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