The I Association is made up of letter-winning IU alumni. They sponsor activities that benefit Indiana University, the IU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the IU Athletics Committee. This fall, the I Association has bestowed it highest honors in ceremonies held in September.
Clevenger Awards
The Z.G. Clevenger Award is presented to living I Men who, as alumni, have made outstanding contributions to Indiana University through service to its athletic program. This is the highest honor given an I Man by the I Men’s Association. The follow I Men are Clevenger winners for 2016:
David Evans was a football safety from 1964 through 1967. He was the recipient of the 1968 Elvis Stahr Distinguished Senior Award and was named twice to the Big Ten All Academic Football Team. A member of the Indiana University President’s Circle and a former member of the IU Foundation Board of Directors, David had a successful career as an attorney with the Reed Smith Law Firm in Washington D.C.
Terry Tallen was co-captain and starting middle linebacker for the 1979 Holiday Bowl Champion Football Team. Terry has enjoyed a successful career as an investor and real estate developer in Northern California. Still active on the Bloomington campus, Terry is a longstanding advisory board member and guest lecturer at the Kelley School of Business and is the benefactor of the Terry Tallen Football Leadership Scholarship, awarded annually to a football team captain enrolled in the Kelley School.
Landon Turner was a member of the 1981 National Champion Indiana Hoosier Basketball Team and was a 2007 Inductee into the Indiana University Hall of Fame. In 1989 the United States Basketball Writers Association presented Landon with their Most Courageous Award for overcoming the paralysis he sustained in the summer of ’81. Landon is now an Indianapolis-based motivational speaker and has kept close ties to the Hoosier Basketball Program.
Grotke Awards
The Leanne Grotke Award perpetuates the ideals Leanne Grotke Andreas embodied in her years serving Indiana University as a trailblazer and pioneer leader for women’s athletics. This honor is bestowed on living persons whose service has made exceptionally outstanding contributions to Indiana University’s Women’s Athletics Program and is the highest honor of its kind given by the university.
A professor emerita in leisure, recreation and physical education, Kathleen Cordes is among the very first women letter winners in Indiana University history, earning her Varsity I in tennis in 1972. She has been a pioneer in women’s athletic administration and coaching since then, earning multiple honors and awards including Lifetime Achievement from the President’s Council for Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition and Indiana University’s Anita Aldrich Distinguished Alumnae Award.
Dr. Amy Metheny is immediate past chairperson of the I Association Board of Directors. A retired physician, Amy earned her Varsity Letter in in Basketball in 1982 and 1982 where she was a starting guard and Big Ten assist leader. Amy was inducted to the Indiana Womens Hall of Fame in 2008 and now serves on its board of directors. She is a generous member of the Varsity Club and is active in Indianapolis area church and civic affairs.
Orwig Award
The Orwig Award recognizes outstanding contributions made by a non-alumnus to the Indiana University athletic program. It is named for Bill Orwig, IU’s athletic director from 1961–75.
Philanthropist and Hoosier booster extraordinaire Dale England is the Bill Orwig Award winner. A graduate of Ohio Northern University and an attorney in private practice, Dale was inducted into the Indiana University President’s Circle in 2006. In 2007, the Dale England Rowing Center was dedicated at Lake Lemon where IU hosts an annual regatta bearing his name. In 2013, Coach Kevin Wilson named Dale Honorary 12th Man to the Hoosier Football Team.
The Honorary I Award
The I Association finds support in many people, including those who did not participate in intercollegiate sports at Indiana University. Honorary membership is given to inspirational individuals who show commitment and dedication to IU, the I Association, and the IU Athletics program.
Jim Butler was the videographer for the IU Athletic Department for the past 27 years. In that time, Jim worked with 7 Hoosier bowl teams, one NCAA Mens Basketball Championship Team and four NCAA Mens Soccer Championship Teams. Prior to joining the Indiana Athletic Department Jim was the Director of Video Services for WTTV and the director of several IU coaches programs.