A new striped socks membership campaign is under way!
We are using a Facebook offer to entice IU alumni and friends to join and receive a pair of exclusive IU striped socks (see photo). We will also follow up with e-mail, direct mail, and Telefund.
Here are the offer details:
For a limited time, you can receive a pair of all-new, exclusive IU striped socks when you join the IUAA!
Already a member? Annual members can get the socks with renewal or an upgrade to life membership. Life members can get the socks with a minimum $25 gift to the IUAA Above and Beyond fund. Please be sure to use the links below.
- Claim offer on Facebook by March 31
- Join or renew
- Make an Above and Beyond gift of $25 or more
We encourage you to share this offer with others on your Facebook page, and add your referrals to the Membership Challenge leaderboard! It’s an easy, fun way to promote membership.
Questions? Please contact me at 812-855-4822 or jchall@iu.edu.