It’s historic. It’s “first-ever.” It’s for all who love IU!
IU Day a nonstop, 24-hour celebration of Indiana University happening online and around the world. It’s for all campuses, all students, all alumni, all faculty and staff, and all who love IU. The fun starts at midnight EDT on April 12.
You, our alumni leaders, play a crucial role in making IU Day a success. Please let us know how your Alumni Community plans to celebrate IU Day — all ways big and small. We want to provide meaningful resources and communications to make this this first-ever experience a good one.
What’s in store for the big day?
• 24 hours of exciting IU content at iuday.iu.edu (share it on your personal and group Facebook pages!)
• Social media challenges and contests
• On-campus and alumni events around the world
• Special giving opportunities for approved alumni communities (including Fundly campaigns)
• Share and re-tweet your favorite content—and add your own using the hashtag #IUDay
Why join in? First off, it’s going to be fun! (IU-themed quizzes; IU Day swag; insider interviews; social media contests—what’s not to love??) It’s also a tremendous opportunity for you to help support and advance IU.
Things to do right now:
Mark Your Calendar
The first-ever IU Day is coming—and soon! (Here’s the countdown to prove it.) Pencil it in your calendar for April 12.
Form a Plan
Let us know how you and your community plan to celebrate. By sharing this information you will have access to the IU Box account that will contain a multitude of IU Day marketing assets – social media icons, logos, and other helpful resources. You will also become eligible to apply for a Fundly crowdsourcing fundraising page. Please let us know your plans by close of business, Monday, Feb. 29. The earlier we know, the earlier we can provide you with resources!
Tease the Day
The sooner you spread the word about IU Day, the more successful the event will become. So get sharing!
• iuday.iu.edu – Post this link to get friends and followers acquainted with IU Day’s home base.
• #IUDay – Stamp your posts with this hashtag to start the conversation.
Ask Away
Open Ears Forums in February are dedicated to IU Day. Not only can you ask your liaison questions at any time, but you can sound off and ask up at the following Open Ears Forums. Registration for these Forums is required.
• Thursday, Feb. 11 at 8 a.m. EST
• Thursday, Feb. 11 at 4 pm. EST
• Thursday, Feb. 18 at Noon EST
We look forward to working with you to make the first-ever IU Day an amazing experience. Thank you in advance for all you and your Alumni Community will do to support this new initiative. Do you have questions? Let me know at mcafee@iu.edu.
For the glory of old IU!
Rachael Jones McAfee, BS’02
Director of Alumni Communities and Volunteer Management