My first experience of IU Day with the Alumni Association came with a bit of nervous energy. The skies were blue, the weather was finally warm, and the anticipation was already building throughout DeVault as the Facebook and Twitter posts came rolling in on April 18th. The Student Alumni Association manned a station along the IU Day Scavenger Hunt, providing cards to folks asking them to state why they love IU. I got to fill out a card to hang outside as well, writing “I love IU because I get to be a part of a much larger family that cares for IU as much as I do”.
Never was that sentiment more apparent than the experiences I got to share with Monroe County Chapter that day. Our goal this year was to engage with our alumni and create impact. My day would certainly be filled with both. The local Chapter had three, yes three, events that they participated in at various points of the day.
The first was its annual IU Day Kindergarten Reading to local school children in the MCCSC system. Eighteen volunteers, including our own J T. Forbes, read Terry Hutchens’ book “Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoosiers” to more than 800 students in 40 classrooms. Each volunteer donated their book to their classrooms while Templeton Elementary received a book for every kindergartner to take home with them. I was the luckiest one of them all as I got to ready to my son’s classroom at Marlin Elementary. The kids loved it and were excited to see new faces in their classroom. My son tried to act cool and not get too excited, but even he bellowed out with the rest of them when we all said “Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoosiers (by the way, that’s him “dabbing” in the picture). **Please note dabbing is a dance that some kids do, made famous by Carolina Panthers QB Cam Newton. **
Later that afternoon, the DeVault Center opened its doors to local staff, faculty and alumni as we hosted our first IU Day Open House Appreciation. Our Event and Facilities Manager Kennedy Rostenkowski worked with a student group from the Tourism and Management Department to welcome our guests with savory and sweet snacks, beverages and some music from Another Round a capella vocal group. The Monroe County Chapter was on hand as ambassadors to greet our alumni, promote future events and enjoy time with each other.
But that wouldn’t be enough for the MoCo gang. We finished off the evening with the Monroe County’s signature event, the 9th Annual Oliver Winery Event: Vine and Dine. The Chapter provides a silent auction of goods that helps raise funds for their scholarship campaign, while inviting previous scholarship recipients and recognizing them. Almost 100 guests attended and everyone enjoyed some great wines and food.
From dawn until dusk, my passion and pride for IU hadn’t shined brighter. There are so many other groups who provided such great activities for their alumni that I don’t have enough space to mention them here. But each shared their own passion and love in the same fashion as we did here in Bloomington. We at the IU Alumni Association want to thank each and all of you who participated and helped coordinate events, donated to a Fundly campaign, and helped spread the joy of IU throughout your lives. We hope you had the chance to engage and impact with those around you. Now, let’s carry that on until the next IU Day.