The count is IN!
As of this month, Indiana University has 774,828 unique graduates, an increase of more than 14,000 alumni, year over year. This makes IU’s one of the largest living alumni bodies in the world. Learn more about the Alumni Census, including census counts for graduates by school, campus, and geographic area.
We encourage you to explore this information for points of interest and nuance that impact your work. Share these numbers when you talk with others. Building awareness of the university’s global presence is part of the IU experience. IUAA publishes its official alumni counts annually.
We are now in the sixth year of doing IU’s alumni census. We anticipate and welcome your feedback and questions to help assure accuracy and usability of this information. If you have any questions or want to discuss alumni census data further, please contact Sammie Amidon at seamidon@iu.edu or 812-855-2805.