I had the opportunity to take part in a truly inspirational evening last weekend. On Saturday, August 10, several dozen past and current members of the Board of Managers gathered to celebrate the beginning of our year and honor our founding. It is fitting that we do this in August, the month when President William Daily and 14 IU alumni formed our Association in 1854. In 2015, we started a wonderful tradition and this event is now an annual ceremony and fellowship dinner. Our top alumni volunteers enjoyed a very special ceremony recognizing our 165-year legacy of advocacy, giving, and service to Indiana University.
With help from past chairs Ken Beckley, Robert Johnson, and Donna Spears (also an alumni-elected trustee!), the ceremony took participants through the history of our Association and culminated in the pinning of new board members. Ken told the story of our founders like Matthew Campbell and our incorporators like Jane Hicks McKinzie. Donna gave us some context and perspective on the Mary Rieman Maurer pin, too.
A gold circle pendant, centered with a “U” of diamonds and an “I” of rubies, originated years ago by Mrs. Mary Rieman Maurer and her husband, William Frederick Maurer, of Indianapolis. Mrs. Maurer graduated in 1916, and served 18 years as one of the three elected alumni members of the University Board of Trustees. This treasured memento became an award known as the Mary Rieman Maurer and William Frederick Maurer Award. The award, for many years, was bestowed upon Indiana University’s oldest alumna and entrusted in her possession until her passing. It was then bestowed upon another. Through the years, it became increasingly difficult to determine the oldest alumna. The pendant was retired from service for approximately 20 years until Spring 2009 when Donna herself began wearing it. After her explanation and beautiful reflections, Donna introduced Robert who presented the Maurer Pin to chair Deanna. Robert concluded his section by pinning our brand new board members, Dawn Whitehead, Blaire Viehweg, and Martin Vargas.
Vi Simpson,our chair-elect, then led the Board of Managers in the pledge of service, and we all stood and sang the alma mater arm in arm.
After the ceremony, the group had a wonderful dinner in the Inskeep Library where we had further fellowship with old friends and made some new connections. It’s an honor to be in this organization and keep traditions like this alive.