IUAA, Inc. Celebrates 55 years on September 8

You may know that the Indiana University Alumni Association was first founded in August 1854, but our incorporation, as a distinct organization, came more than 100 years later, on September 8, 1969. It was on that day that this successful venture known as alumni relations became a separate legal entity from Indiana University. The path wasn’t a short one; here are some of the highlights:

  • On December 7, 1968, Carl D. Overman, BS’49, JD’52, the Executive Council Member representing the School of Law (to be later known as the Maurer School of Law), and chair of the Planning and Financing Committee, reported on his committee’s motion that the Association become a separate legal entity rather than an arm of the University, as it had been in the past. The Council agreed to review the proposal and discuss at a future meeting.
  • At the April 22, 1969, meeting of the Council, volunteers and staff discussed the idea further and reviewed the proposed Articles of Incorporation and Code of Bylaws. Alumni secretary (the chief executive’s title at the time) Frank B. Jones, BS’48, MS’51, stated that a fund of $100 would be needed to set up the new corporation. Members in the room contributed on the spot, collecting $100 in cash or checks offered by twelve dedicated people, whose names are recorded in meeting minutes from that day.
  • Frank reported at the meeting on June 6, 1969, that the Articles of Incorporation would be submitted to the IU Board of Trustees at the meeting in July, and the Investment Policy Committee would meet at a later date to discuss investment procedures.

The minutes from the IU Board of Trustees meeting contain the following resolution on July 25 of that same year:

Whereas a committee of the Indiana University Alumni Association investigating, among other things, a revised investment policy as to Association funds, including life membership and other obligated reserve funds, concluded that the University would benefit from more formal organization of the Alumni Association as a vehicle for expanded service to its alumni and students; and

Whereas, upon consideration of the many factors involved, said committee recommended that the Association become a not-for-profit Indiana corporation, and that it apply for approval as a tax-exempt organization; and

Whereas, it was then recommended by the committee that the Association incorporate as so stated subject to the approval of The Trustees of Indiana University; and

Whereas, at a special meeting on April 22,1969, The Executive Council of the Indiana University Alumni Association approved the Articles of Incorporation for the Indiana University Alumni Association, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit corporation, as drawn up by a committee of the Executive Council; and

Whereas, this will not change the operation of the Alumni Association except that there will be a new Board of Managers or executive committee made up of the elected officers of the Association which will report to the Executive Council;

Therefore be it hereby resolved That The Trustees of Indiana University recognize and approve the incorporation of the Indiana University Alumni Association and its application for status as an Indiana not-for-profit corporation.

It was unanimously approved by the trustees that day, but Frank and the leadership didn’t waste any time. On October 6, IUAA’s first Board of Managers (Ben Dutton, BS’38, LLB’40; Jane Hicks McKinzie, BS’57, MS’60; Dick Schmalz, BS’40; Everett Dean, BA’21, MS’38; and Frank Jones himself), adopted the Association’s first Code of Bylaws and they were off to the races! They hired a firm to examine their accounting practices and proceeded with contracts for four tours in the alumni travel program, later to be called IU Travels.

It was all the more fitting then, when IUAA’s Articles and Bylaws were ultimately submitted to the Indiana Secretary of State’s office, that IU alumnus Arthur M. Lotz, JD’65, notarized the documentation, solidifying the Association’s status in the state and in the proud history of our alma mater.

Posted in History and Inspiration

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