A Minute for Mission. A brief reflection upon work being done to support the vision of an organization or group of people. A moment to celebrate tireless commitment to the cause. Spending time centered on the very mission of the work we do. The IU Alumni Association’s mission is one we center around, celebrate, and reflect upon – bringing us back to the real purpose and driving force behind our everyday work.
In our Minute for Mission moments, we are excited to highlight the incredible impact the Association has had on students, alumni and friends, ways Indiana University has been ever-present in our local and national communities and celebrate the continued commitment each of you have to Indiana University and the IU Alumni Association every day.
2017 was a year of intentional and meaningful support to the Association – bringing in over $800,000 in support for our scholarships and programs. Over 2000 alumni and friends contributed to one or more of our incredibly important initiatives that support the mission and vision of IUAA – extending our alumni network both at the local and national level, providing personal and professional development opportunities and supporting educational opportunities for our students.
It is through the generosity of alumni like Jefferson and Mary Shreve and Lynn and Ray Lewis who provide opportunities to students in pursuit of continued academic excellence while serving the IU Alumni Association as one of our Student Alumni Scholars. It is through the funding of these scholarships at the highest level that our student leaders excel in both the classroom and in service to IUAA and Indiana University. You can read more about students impacted by these generous gifts. The generosity and dedication of our alumni does not stop here. Chartered Alumni Communities, locally and nationally, are working fervently to extend the IU network, support one another, and provide opportunities for students to attend Indiana University.
The work of the Chartered Alumni Communities staff and the Greater Evansville Indiana Chapter highlights the collective commitment we have in supporting students to attend Indiana University. The collaboration of the IUAA Evansville Chapter, the Chartered Alumni Communities team, and the IU Foundation Regional Development staff, has resulted in a final push to close a $100,000 scholarship campaign, benefiting students in the Evansville area. The “Bridging the Gap to $100,000” Campaign is a testament to the work being done in our Chartered Alumni Communities around the state, the nation, and the world.
Our most fulfilling work is in the intersection of celebrating the success of our alumni and recognizing the continued work being done on behalf of IUAA. We have enjoyed moments in 2017 together dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of one another. The Distinguished Alumni Service Award ceremonies, Mini University, and our annual scholarship dinner are just a few ways we thank you for your service in extending the reach of the IU family, for your pride in the quality of work accomplished through time, talent, and treasure, and your inclusion in creating and safeguarding educational, personal and professional opportunities within the IU community.
We look forward to sharing IUAA’s Minute for Mission moments, it is with you – our alumni and friends – when we feel strongest. Thank you for your continued commitment, your enthusiasm, and your willingness to get up every day as stewards of the Indiana University Alumni Association.