Hey There Alumni Leaders!
Did you know that you can elect ten members of the Executive Council and five from the Board of Managers this spring? The bylaws can explain why and how it fits within our overall governance.
10 Executive Council members are elected each year, to form 30 at-large members that rotate terms. The balance of the membership is formed by student, chapter, campus, school, and affiliate appointees.
The Nominating Committee, led by Phil Mark, BA’84, met this fall and reviewed over 35 submissions. The other members of the committee were: Angela Fairchild, BS’97, Robert Johnson, BA’88, Alma Powell, BS’70, MS’72, Hon ‘12, and Jim White, AS’75, BS’79. I served as staff liaison. The candidate pool was again deep with talents, backgrounds, and experiences needed to lead your Alumni Association in its third century. These names represent that diversity.
Executive Council At-Large Members:
- Paul Addison, BME’74
- Rob DeCleene, BS’94
- Pete Hunter, BS’10, BS’13
- Don Kritsch, BA’67, MA’71
- Clare Krusing, BA’10
- Lisa McKinney, JD’92
- Cyndy Searfoss, BA’84
- Brian Shepherd, BS’99
- Rudy Yakym, AS’09, BS’11
- Nicole Yates, AA’06, BGS’07
Board of Managers positions for the slate are as follows:
- Nate Feltman, BS/BA’92, JD’94: Chairman-elect;
- Robert Johnson, BA’88: Vice Chairman;
- Thao Nelson, BA’93, MS’96: Secretary;
- Deanna Crispen, BA’98: Treasurer;
- Larry Alt, BS’68, MBA’78 and Jeannie Sager, MA’03: At-Large
Barbara Popp, BS’76, served as chairwoman-elect in 2014-15 and does not require a nomination for her upcoming term as chairwoman of the IUAA Board of Managers.
Look for the slate (and send in your ballot) in the spring issue of the Indiana University Alumni Magazine and help us shape the leadership of the IUAA.
Thanks for all you do,
Rebecca Keith, MM’96
Your IUAA Concierge