By now, you have likely been contacted by your liaison letting you know about the ever-changing COVID-19 situation. You are reading IU updates online and talking with fellow volunteers, and I’d like to offer additional context and information. I apologize for the length of this note, but we want to offer some clarity and comfort amidst all the uncertainty.
What is going on?
Since Friday, March 13, things have changed. Businesses have announced temporary closures of their brick and mortar stores. President Trump has declared a national emergency. The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a stimulus bill and the Federal Reserve has zeroed interest rates to help stabilize the economy and offer a measure of income protection. Governors across the country have declared state public health emergencies in the face of anticipated growth in the number of confirmed cases. Bars and restaurants in many states are closed to in-person patrons. IU has announced an extension of Spring Break, major event cancellations through May 3, the closure of student housing, and other new public health measures.
What does that mean for you? It’s a reset of your IU volunteer experience. It is an opportunity to take a “time out” and care for your family and your neighbors. It’s a time to share questions, needs, or concerns you have around this national crisis with your IUAA family. This is also an opportunity to show care and concern for students, alumni, and your local community.
All of this rapid change can feel unsettling and maybe even frightening. It is an uncomfortable situation. We all are dealing with the anxiety of uncertainty. This is a natural human response to this unusual situation. Please do your best to focus on what you can do to get through this. Reach out to your colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Share your feelings and seek answers to your questions.
Event cancellations – Pursuant to IU, CDC, and public health measures in cities and states around the globe, we are canceling all on-location events through May 3. Your liaisons are working remotely and are here to help you through this process. While Indiana University has announced that Little 500 is canceled, no decisions have been announced regarding Commencement ceremonies or the Bicentennial Alumni Reunion. We will provide updates as things evolve.
Along with in-person IU Day events, crowdfunding will also be put on hold. There is no action on your part required to press “pause” on these fundraising efforts – your liaisons and IUAA staff partners will take care of that for you.
Connecting with IU alumni, colleagues, and others – If you find yourself with some spare time, please take time to individually connect with alumni, colleagues, and others you think would appreciate hearing from you. Mass emails aren’t really effective in this way, but one-on-one outreach may brighten someone’s day. You only need express a desire to check in with an alum or friend to see how they are doing. This is a real opportunity for us to demonstrate our concern, empathy, and desire to help people stay engaged and connected with one another. I’ve been doing it the last few days and it is a simple way to make a difference. If you hear of specific needs that alumni in your community have, please share those with your liaison. It will help connect us all to what is happening beyond our personal experience.
Take care of yourself – There is nothing more important to us than the well-being of our alumni. Please take the time to care for yourself, your family, and your neighbors. Let us know if there are needs you have identified that you think we can impact. Lastly, J T. Forbes shared the following articles with staff from the Centers for Disease Control and Harvard Medical School – these are filled with quick tips for helping yourself and others cope with stress:
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/managing-stress-anxiety.html
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/coping-with-coronavirus-anxiety-2020031219183
We are here for you. As we have witnessed, things change rapidly in effort to control this outbreak. One thing hasn’t changed, however, and that’s our commitment to alumni and volunteer leaders. We are here for you, and look forward to weathering this uncertain time together.
Be well, friends. Let us know how you are doing!