IUAA Policies

Audit Underway

I bet you are thinking to yourself, “Hey, I wonder what the Alumni Business Office is up to these days!” Well, let me tell you! With our 2017-18 fiscal year ending on 6/30/2018, we are currently engaging in our annual audit. An audit is a standard procedure for any organization of our size.  With almost …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies, Tips and Tools

Introducing the Chartered Alumni Communities Program

We had a great time at the 2017 Cream & Crimson Alumni Weekend. Thoughtful debate and fresh ideas took center stage, while new connections and old friendships were created. It was truly an IU family reunion. (Tip: If you haven’t already, mark your calendars for the 2018 Cream & Crimson Alumni Weekend, June 7-9.) Running …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Strategic Operations at IUAA: A New Approach to Problem-Solving for Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Flexibility

I’ve always been a “fixer.” Not the Olivia Pope/Scandal type of fixer…which I’ve been binge-watching for the last three days in case you were wondering (no spoilers – I’m only on Season 2!). Rather, I like to make things complete; restore them to their original state or help them meet their potential. This trait, plus my …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

2016 Slate Has Been Confirmed!

If you didn’t know it (some don’t), IUAA members approve a slate of officers and at-large members for the highest volunteer positions in our governance. This approval happened in the third weekend in April thanks to our membership. (Thanks!) These great alumni volunteers are confirmed with the following positions on the Board of Managers starting …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Executive Council Helps Shape Next Five Years

Greetings alumni leaders! As you may know, your Executive Council is the advisory board to the IUAA. You’ll be thrilled to hear that they filled this role perfectly at the last meeting on December 4-5, 2015 here in Bloomington! The weekend focused largely on the 2015-2020 IUAA Strategic Plan which was unanimously adopted by the …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Board of Managers slate awaits approval

The IU Alumni Association nominating committee met in October of 2015 and I’m pleased to say that these dedicated alumni below have accepted the nominations and eagerly await your participation in the democratic process. Nominations for the Board of Managers are: Brieanna Quinn, BS’01, MA’04, of Indianapolis: chairwoman-elect Robert Johnson, BA’88, of Dublin, CA: vice …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Updates and Reminders for Promoting Scholarships

October has arrived, and a new cycle of promoting and working on IU scholarships for deserving students is upon us. Today, we’ll kick off a series of blog posts in the month of October from Anne Bono, Director of Business Development & Scholarships at the Alumni Association. The scholarship cycle is beginning for another school …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies, Tips and Tools

IU Alumni Association Seeks Leaders

Every October, our Nominating Committee meets to review scores of candidate packets for volunteer leadership positions at the IU Alumni Association. Now’s the time to submit your names for consideration by the Nominating Committee. We seek volunteers with these characteristics: Strong and demonstrated commitment to IU and IUAA. Enthusiasm and willingness to be a public …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

The IUAA Election is Over!

If you didn’t know it (some don’t), IUAA members approve a slate of officers and at-large members for the highest volunteer positions in our governance. Effective July 1, the results are in…(drum roll please)… Nate Feltman, BS/BA’92, JD’94, chairman-elect; Robert Johnson, BA’88, vice chairman; Thao Nelson, BA’93, MS’96, secretary; Deanna Crispen, BA’98, treasurer; Larry Alt, …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

2015-16 Nominating Committee Report

Hey There Alumni Leaders! Did you know that you can elect ten members of the Executive Council and five from the Board of Managers this spring? The bylaws can explain why and how it fits within our overall governance. 10 Executive Council members are elected each year, to form 30 at-large members that rotate terms. …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

Membership Update

As some of you heard in November during Executive Council, we began a journey last spring to identify a vision for membership that is sustainable, long-term, boosts alumni involvement, and generates increased revenue to support IU campuses and schools. We’ll be talking more about Membership at the Alumni Leaders Conference next week and before we …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies

2014 Trustee Candidates

The 2014 Trustee election begins on June 1 and goes through June 30. One of our goals this year and one of our challenges for our volunteer leadership is to have 100% participation in the election. We have two candidates running for Trustee this year: Andrew Baldwin, BS’07 from Indiana University, MBA’13 from the Stanford …

Posted in the following categories: IUAA Policies