With Abundant Gratitude

On behalf of all those who love IU as you do, we here at the IU Alumni Association extend our deepest, sincere Thanksgiving blessings. The apocryphal story of the first Thanksgiving is compelling and powerful because it speaks to our aspirations for membership in diverse, inclusive communities. As IUAA leaders, you make this story real. …
With Abundant Gratitude

As you gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving, please know that we at the Indiana University Alumni Association give thanks for your IU pride, passion, and service. The best work you do both inspires and unifies individuals who seek a sense of belonging, connectedness, and community with other IU alumni. It advances …
The call of Thanksgiving

November is a time to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving in the America. No matter where you serve IU and its alumni, please accept our deep and sincere thanks for your steadfast leadership and support. America’s Thanksgiving story begins in 1621 when the Puritan settlers and members of the Wampanoag tribe gathered to celebrate the …
Please vote in the IUAA election

In February, we announced the slate of nominees for the IUAA Board of Managers and Executive Council. Now it is time for all good members to vote. If you don’t want to leaf through to page 24 of the IU Alumni Magazine to find the ballot, then just print and complete the ballot graphic in …
Thank You!

Thanksgiving is a time of honoring close ties, as well as serving both loved ones and the less fortunate. As you gather together or observe Thanksgiving in ways special to you, please know that we here at the IU Alumni Association will be giving thanks for the generous leadership and support of alumni leaders like you. We …
Thanks for the feedback!
We asked and you responded! Thanks to all who shared their insights. We have a stronger five-year plan and great input to help shape our work values and priorities. We will be posting the Board-approved version of the IUAA Five-Year Plan soon. For our beloved alma mater, JT.
Survey says…!

Thank you to all who participated in our survey to get feedback on our proposed core priority statements for the IUAA Strategic Plan. We asked the 242 people who either participated or were invited to participate in our Stakeholder Insight Sessions to give us feedback on three core priority statements. We have very strong engagement …
Please help shape the 2015-20 IUAA Strategic Plan

As you may know, it is time to update our five-year strategic plan. This message is an update on strategic planning activities next steps. We want you to stay engaged in this process, since the final plan will only be a strong as the feedback we receive. We will be seeking additional input on two …
An Update on the IUAA/IUF Partnership

For the past year, IUAA and IUF have engaged in a very careful and thorough review of the relationship of the two organizations. In the fall, we determined that a merger was not necessary. Over the winter, we have examined migrating the IUAA employees working for IU to become IUF employees. Dan Smith and I …
A Time of Thanks

Across America, people gather to celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a time when many renew ties with those close to them. As some of IU’s most loyal and passionate volunteers, you are the face of IU’s powerful global network of wildly useful, seriously fun alumni. We are so very thankful for your service and support of …
IUAA and IUF: No Merger, But Operating Agreement Will Expand

At the Alumni Leaders Conference last June, we announced that the IU Alumni Association and IU Foundation would review their relationship and consider the question of whether the two organizations should merge. Today, we share news that a merger of IUAA and IUF is NOT necessary. An “Alignment Advisory Committee” involving three members of the …
Bloomington Homecoming Dates Set for the Next Six Years

For the first time in history, IU, IUAA, and IU Athletics have established Homecoming dates for the next six years. A special thanks to Provost Lauren Robel and Fred Glass for their leadership and support to make this happen. We are excited because it will allow everybody to plan better and make the most of …