Designating Honorary Alums

Honorary University Alumni Designation


From time to time, the Indiana University president, provost, officers, chancellors, deans of an academic unit or alumni leaders wish to acknowledge the extraordinary service or merit of an individual who has neither an earned degree from Indiana University nor qualifies for an honorary degree. While honorary alumni status is an honorific title that does not grant any of the rights and privileges provided to Indiana University graduates, it is appropriate to acknowledge individuals whose steadfast loyalty and support distinguish them from Indiana University friends and supporters.


Indiana University officers, chancellors, deans, and IU Alumni Association alumni in good standing are authorized to recommend individuals for Honorary Indiana University Alumni Status according to the following criteria:

  1. Someone who is not a graduate of Indiana University, but whose actions in support of the university are extraordinary and highly valued.
  2. Someone whose identification, involvement, and loyalty with IU are truly exemplary, and exceed our expectations for our graduates.
  3. Someone whose character and conduct reflect well upon the university and reflects its noblest aspirations and ideals.


  1. The qualifications of a potential honorary alumni candidate should first be discussed with the Chief Alumni Officer of the Indiana University Alumni Association.
  2. Following this discussion, nominations for honorary alumni status will be made to the officers of the Indiana University Alumni Association Board of Managers.
  3. The officers will make the recommendation to the IUAA Board of Managers for final determination. The President of Indiana University may also make recommendations for honorary university alumni status to the IUAA Board of Managers.
  4. The Indiana University Alumni Association shall render a formal certificate and maintain a record of individuals who have been granted Honorary Indiana University Alumni status.

Date of last update

This policy was last updated June 26, 2015.