Meeting Policy and Procedure


As stated in Article X, Section 1, Rules of Order, meetings of the Board of Managers, the Executive Council, and all Committees of members shall be conducted in an orderly and civil manner. This policy defines these terms.


This policy applies to the Executive Council, Board of Managers, and their committees when conducting formal meetings on behalf of the Indiana University Alumni Association, Inc.


The agendas for the meetings of the Board of Managers and the Executive Council shall by set by the staff liaison in coordination with and approval by of the CEO and the appropriate chair. The agenda will note all items requiring discussion only or action to approve by the body. Meetings shall begin with a Roll Call of members and a quorum of members, as stated in the Code of By-Laws, must be present or participating electronically to conduct business.

All matters that require action for approval will be acted upon following the proper procedure:

  • Motion is offered by a member of the body.
  • Second is offered by a different member of the body.
  • Chair calls for discussion of the proposal at which time members may ask questions and offer comments.
  •  Chair calls for a vote of the members of the body following discussion or when any member “calls for the question.”
  • Vote is taken either by a voice vote or by a calling of the roll. Anyone can ask for a roll call, and the chair shall instruct the Secretary to “call the roll.”
  • A vote of approval requires a simple majority of those members present. An Amendment to the Code of Bylaws requires a two-thirds majority of those members present.
  • Results of the vote are announced and recorded by the Secretary or Staff Liaison. In the case of significant conflict when considering a motion, the Chair’s skill and duty as a facilitator will guide the issue through discussion while maintaining a friendly IUAA culture, keeping order, and maintaining civility. In the case of an impasse or in a situation that cannot be resolved during discussion, the Chair may rely on the guidance of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Date of last update

This policy was last updated November 16, 2019


Motion: This is a suggestion or proposal put forth for approval. Suggested language such as “I move that…” followed by the statement of the motion. If the motion language has been stated by the chair, a member may say “So moved.”

Second: A motion must be seconded for the vote to take place. Suggested language such as “I second that motion” should be used by the member offering the second; however, a different member must offer the second. If no second is offered, the motion “dies for lack of a second.”

Discussion: During the discussion period any member may ask questions of any other member or staff, or may offer her own statement of support or opposition to the motion.

Vote: After any discussion has ended, the chair calls for the vote. In most situations, a voice vote is sufficient and suggested language such as “All in favor signify by saying ‘aye’ and all opposed signify by saying ‘nay’ shall be used. Any member may abstain from voting by asking to ‘abstain.’ At the Chair’s request for a roll call, the Secretary will read the role of all members and record each member’s vote for the record.

Results: The motion carries or passes when the requisite number of votes are in favor. The Secretary announces the vote and the Chair announces the passing or failing of the motion. For a routine motion such as the approval of the budget or committee report, a simple majority will suffice. In the case of amendments to the Code of Bylaws, they must be affirmed by a 2/3 vote in favor by the Executive Council followed by a 2/3 vote in favor by the Board of Managers.