This policy was last updated August, 2010.
- The IUAA and its affiliates will not publicize or promote, including in IUAA-sanctioned newsletters and social media, third-party events that do not have a direct connection to an IU, IUAA, Big Ten, or NCAA cause or event. This does not include events or causes taken up by a chapter or affiliate (such as IU Cares projects or chapter participation in a benefit for the local food bank). Individuals who interact with social media presences maintained by IUAA may choose to share events with fellow alumni or users. The IUAA facilitates these connections, but cannot be held responsible for third-party causes or events that conflict with this policy.
- In support of university efforts to curb alcohol abuse, the IUAA and its affiliates will not publicize or promote, including in IUAA-sanctioned newsletters and social media sites, bar crawls or events with the main or sole purpose of drinking.
- Volunteers representing IUAA affiliates are responsible for adhering to third-party policies related to the use of logos or corporate identities (e.g. Big Ten, policy attached).