When Cole Radel, BS ‘21, initially chose to enroll at Indiana University Kokomo, he was not completely committed to the idea of staying there until graduation. His decision to apply came quickly after he was under the impression that he’d be moving to Florida with his family post-high school graduation. However, when they decided to stay in Indiana after all, he made a last-minute decision to apply to Indiana University Kokomo. He considered the possibility of transferring after a semester or so, but one thing led after another, Cole’s connection with Kokomo grew stronger after discovering the affection he had for the school, the campus, and the professors.
Similarly, he chose to pursue a major in marketing on a whim while being unsure if it would stick. However, he ended up being more than satisfied with his choice after his classes and club involvement made him realize he had a passion for HR management.
When he faced a job loss in 2020 due to the pandemic’s impact, Cole began to seek remote internships. He stumbled upon an opportunity at the Heritage Group in Indianapolis as a learning management systems intern. The following year, Cole graduated with a degree in Marketing and began working at the Heritage group full time.
In his interview with IUAA Student Fellow Marley Anderson, Cole Radel shares the journey he spent at Indiana University Kokomo, the transitions he went through at his internship, and the progression that led to his role as a Talent Acquisition Specialist at the Heritage Group.