The Indonesia Chapter is passionate about nurturing Indiana University alumni. Currently led by Sulaeman Liong and Dhiny Novianti, the chapter works tirelessly to reach out and engage Indonesian alumni. Last year they held events, networked, and hosted notable IU luminaries. They even started a foundation! For IU Day 2016 they documented their love of IU. In 2017, they have already started an alumni newsletter and have plans for more events, celebrations, and working together to help each other.
One of the most exemplary activities the Indonesia chapter created in 2016 was an internship program they facilitated with PERMIAS last summer. PERMIAS is an organization founded in 1961, devoted to uniting Indonesian students studying in the United States. The chapter is planning on building upon that momentum to continue the program this year. Called the Yayasan, or Foundation, Pilot Project, the internship program involved 16 students, 14 alumni, and 18 companies. The companies represented various sectors: finance, law, education, agriculture, and production. In the end, seven students were recruited by companies for internships.
In 2017 the Indonesia chapter hopes to generate more student participation. Though they had seven students succeed in getting internships in 2016, two more companies were offering internships. Consequently, the chapter is actively seeking students from IU and IUPUI. Besides more participation from current IU students, the chapter intends to work more closely with PERMIAS. Also, they hope to work on reaching out to more alumni companies. Their last goal for the future is to place Indonesian IU students in the program for full-time placement.
You can check out their exceptional work in this video they made documenting the program: