We continue our look at IUAA Affinity Programs and partnerships today with IUAA staff member, Anne Bono.
Herff Jones: With over 580,000 living graduates, the IU network is a powerful base and it’s always a great feeling when you unexpectedly meet or identify a fellow alum. Unfortunately, it isn’t always acceptable to wear IU gear. Sometimes a suit and tie is required and a class ring by Herff Jones allows you the opportunity to show your pride in a professional setting. If you graduated last May or in May of 1950 you can still get a Herff Jones class ring! IUAA student organizations on each campus receive a portion of each ring sale to help fund their programs. Click on the link above to learn more.
IU License Plate: I walked into a New Jersey Starbucks and someone shouted “HOOSIERS!” The customer saw my IU license plate when I was parking and was excited to see the block IU almost 800 miles away. This has also happened in South Carolina and Louisiana, and I’m sure others with an IU plate have similar stories. Over 50,000 Indiana residents proudly show their spirit with an IU license plate and you can too. Whether you’re an alum, student, or fan in the state of Indiana, anyone can get an IU plate. All the funds IU receives from the license plate go towards scholarships for students on all IU campuses. If you do not have an IU plate, please get one today!
Questions about these programs? Contact Anne at afhatton@iu.edu.