It’s been a hard week for many in our alumni network, and we want you all to know: we care, and we’re here for you.
A powerful and deadly super typhoon has devastated the southern provinces of the Philippines. Closer to home, deadly tornadoes struck in Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, and in Indiana over the weekend.
Surely, we are all affected by these tragedies to some degree. Our thoughts and support are with all of our IU family members most directly impacted. Please reach out to me or others here at IUAA if we can be of assistance.
The mission of the Indiana University Alumni Association is to bring alumni together. In times of heartache and tragedy, this mission is inarguably important. In this spirit, please leave a note of support or encouragement in the comments section below and we will make sure alumni in these regions hear of them. Sometimes the compassionate words of friends and colleagues afford the extra inspiration to go on.
Tricia Riveire, Chief of Staff, IU Alumni Association