Our Volunteer Spotlight this week is Cristina Goodenough. Cristina graduated from the Media School at Indiana University Bloomington in 2006 where she majored in telecommunications and minored in business. She is the Social Media Lead for the Nashville, Tennessee, IUAA chapter.
Cristina shared that she was a “social media gal” so it was only right that she went straight to Facebook to look for a local IUAA chapter when she first moved to Nashville. Her favorite part about volunteering with the Alumni Association is being able to give back on a local level and being connected with other IU alumni in the Nashville area. She said, “It helps make larger cities feel smaller when you are able to find like-minded folks who are unified with similar goals to make an impact on their community.” Cristina also emphasized that being part of the Alumni Association is very rewarding and if an alum was concerned about joining due to time commitment, she assures them that the board is dedicated to working around each volunteer’s needs. She said, “At the end of the day it’s just about serving and growing a really strong network so your board will want to include you in anyway that works for you!”
Cristina’s main role in the Nashville Chapter is to distribute and create content for its social media. Her proudest contribution was creating social media campaigns for IU Day and declared, “If it helps get people talking, I’ve done my job!”
Thank you, Cristina, for all your hard work and dedication to Indiana University and the Alumni Association. We are honored to have someone like you on our volunteer team and we can’t wait to see the impact you will create in the future!