The small but mighty Hilton Head Chapter of the IU Alumni Association has been doing big things in their small Alumni Community. For about ten years, they’ve been partnering with the Big Ten Coalition. According to Joan Lemoine, BS’68, MS’69, Ed.D’85, “Everyone in Hilton Head is categorized as ‘been here’ or ‘come here’, and all of us are ‘come here’s’.” Their group was founded in response to many former mid-westerners wanting to socialize with each other. With this core group of attendees, Joan has found great success.
On September 15, Hilton Head welcomed the President of the Big Ten Network, Francois McGuillicutty to their seventh annual Big Ten picnic. (pictured at right with Joan) Joan chairs the leadership committee of the Big Ten Coalition, an organization of all of the Big Ten schools in Beaufort County South Carolina and Savannah, GA area. This event started as a pot-luck picnic in someone’s back yard and has become a big affair that draws nearly 200 people with every Big Ten school represented! This year was no exception.
Outside of their annual picnic they concentrate on two community service activities: Treat the Troops and Pedal Hilton Head, an event that benefits the Boys and Girls Club.
I’m proud of the work Joan and her alumni leaders do. Keep it up!