Friends, We wanted to share with you an innovative and exciting campaign developed by the IUB Office of Admissions staff. Not only do we want you to learn more about it, but also see the excitement, energy, passion, and spirit that this campaign has generated. Be sure to check out the link below. ~Tricia
Each year, IU welcomes thousands of new students to the Indiana family. This diverse body of students, like all students before them, had to go through the nerve-wracking application process. They waited and watched their mailboxes, listened to their friends chatter about their acceptances, and constantly checked their admission statuses online. Once the acceptance letter arrived, we could only imagine the glee and excitement of that moment. But that was it.We could only imagine!
This year, the Office of Admissions in Bloomington has tried something different because we wanted to be there the moment students got accepted. We wanted to congratulate and welcome them into the Hoosier family. So, we began the #IUsaidYes campaign!
Once accepted, each student receives an email congratulating him or her and indicating the crimson envelope is in the mail, all the while encouraging each student to share the news with friends and family via social media. The envelope they receive is crimson, of course, and displays the hashtag #IUsaidYes very prominently across the back. Since starting this campaign, thousands of students have been sharing their acceptances through Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Chase McCoy, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions
Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Indiana University Bloomington