This year marks the 43rd annual Mini University starting June 8th. I became a part of this program in 2008 and look forward to it each and every year. I remember my first Mini so vividly. I had been at the IUAA for a week at that point and was still learning. I remember seeing the participants lining up well before the registration opened that Sunday to get their directories. They spent the next hour or so picking their classes and turning in their orange sheets. I could not wait to get the week started and see what all the fuss was about.
Through the years I have formed some wonderful relationships with these participants. I have seen them celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during Mini, losses of dear friends and spouses, and celebrations for another year in coming back to IU. I adore my Mini U participants and I look forward to catching up with them every year. Usually as Mini draws near I start to get phone calls from these dear friends and it makes me so happy to hear that they are coming back.

Bob and Lillian Potts filling out their orange sheets – 2009
The participants enjoy spending their days learning from the best of the best with our IU professors. Each participant is able to pick roughly 15 classes out of over 100 offered. The topics this year range from “Positive & Destructive Coaching,” by Tim Baldwin, “Uncertain Futures: The Republican Party and the Obama Administration,” by Marjorie Hershey, “Singles in America: Match.com Meets the Kinsey Institute,” by Jennifer Bass, Justin Garcia & Catherine Johnson-Roehr, as so many more.
Along with taking classes, the participants are able to engage in many evening activities as well. We have a Welcome Dinner every year that first evening in the Tudor Room. During this time many of our participants are finding old friends and offering lots of hugs.
On Monday evening is the fun and laid back picnic where participants get to relish in a picnic type dinner along with more catching up with old friends and making new ones.

Fred Beckman and Jane Keltsch enjoying a wonderful dinner – 2010
On Wednesday evening participants are able to attend a production on the IU campus. This year the production is Godspell located at the Wells-Metz Theatre, a new location this year. I cannot wait to hear the reviews!
Thursday Mini is wrapping up and Laurie Burns McRobbie always hosts a faculty reception at the President’s House inviting faculty, Mini U staff and hosts, as well as participants. It’s a lovely event filled with conversation, gratitude, and great food!
As the week draws to a close, Friday the participants graduate and the “Green Beanie” is awarded! The beanie is awarded to the outstanding newcomer at Mini, and voted on by fellow Mini participants. I wonder who is going to win this year!
I look forward to seeing my Mini U friends again very soon and making new Mini U friends. I cannot wait to share my experiences with you from this year, I am positive we will have a wonderful experience!