Hello from Bloomington! Beautiful fall day here, hope it’s a great day in your part of the world.
I wanted to let you know that we’re listening and are currently preparing a three-part social media series for our volunteers. Our team is working hard on this for you, and as we’re putting the final touches on it, we wanted to first provide you with all of the official IUAA channels.
And did you know that IUB, led by IUAA, was part of the beta phase of the LinkedIn University pages project? View the Indiana University Bloomington page. We’re in discussions about all of our campuses, hang tight with us as we work with LinkedIn.
Don’t forget, you can always find these links, directly from the IUAA website, in the “Connect” bar at the bottom of every page.
We look forward to providing you more tips and tools in the coming weeks. If you have questions, leave a comment below so we can be sure its addressed.