IUAA Member Recognition Program

Over the past year, my office has worked collaboratively with the Alumni Business Office, Advancement Data, Communities, and many others on the IUAA team to envision a member program that speaks to the core purpose of our existence: connection to the 712,000+ alumni around the world. Our language is changing to one that is caused-based rather than transactional. It’s exciting to report that IU Loyal and IU Life, two new recognition levels, are launching February 20, and the IU Proud Member Program is already going strong.

Here are some links to help you answer questions and be fully in the know as our trusted volunteer leaders out the in field.

On the day of the launch, we’ll publish new pages in our join section. These new pages will do a good job of laying out the new member recognition levels (IU Loyal and IU Life). Also, it explains the simplified payment process.

I’m proud of the work we have accomplished together, and I think you will be Proud, Loyal, and in it for Life, too! Email me at jchall@iu.edu if you have any questions at all.

Posted in Tips and Tools