January 1 is a date we associate with a readiness to start anew. A fresh start on the year ahead. Big goals, big dreams. But, what if, a “new year, new you” isn’t the right approach to take? What have we learned about ourselves in 2017 that we can take and grow from?
The fresh start brings the urge to grow and be better. Let’s ask the right questions of ourselves in order to find meaningful work, a balanced life, and better wellness in 2018. Wellness and work life balance doesn’t come easy, but with the right mindset and diligent work, it is achievable and, I promise, it’s very much worth the effort.
From best-selling author and TED presenter, Brené Brown poses these reflective questions:
- What do I want more of in my life?
- How do I let go of what’s no longer serving me?
- What will make me feel more alive? More brave?
What do I want more of in my life? I encourage you to consider what this would be both personally and professionally. We take our whole-selves to work and if one piece is causing stress and anxiety, we will feel the ripple effects throughout every part of our lives. Do you want more challenging, interesting work projects? Do you want more time with family? Do you want more time for yourself? Figure out what you want more of and prioritize it.
How do I let go of what’s no longer serving me? Be honest with yourself and determine what you need to let go of in order to embrace the prioritized things you want. Similar to the MarieKon method of tidying up your home of unwanted things, use the same question to determine if it’s worth your time. “Does this bring me joy?” Also, keep a journal of daily activities to determine what energizes you and what drains all of your energy—another determining factor of what you need to keep and what you need to lose.
What will make me feel more alive? More brave? It’s not often we ask ourselves what we need. Being selfish has a bad rap, but during every flight, the airline attendants instruct us to put on our oxygen masks before assisting others. Give yourself permission to dream. We only have one life to live. Be honest with yourself and not your own roadblock.
Gallup has found that those who have found higher levels of career wellness have a higher overall wellness throughout their lives. Our team of career coaches are instrumental in helping you unpack the questions above and helping you identify a strategy for greater fulfillment in life and career.
At the end of every day and at the end of every year, it’s important to know that you contributed more than you criticized. How have you contributed and what will that look like moving forward in 2018? Learn about how the IUAA career coaches can help you design a more fulfilling 2018.