Many adults have played on teams since childhood and have been taught the fundamentals of what makes a team work well together. One would think that with this early exposure to teams we would be great at it, right? We should know how to be the ideal teammate and we should mesh when put in a group situation. But maybe looking back we focused a little too much on getting the runner out at first base and not building the relationship with our teammates, for example.
I still remember my first ten days as a part of the Career and Professional Development Team at IUAA like it was yesterday. In most new positions, the focus of the first few weeks is spent learning the role and the specific tasks and responsibilities. While I did learn new tasks, it didn’t take long for me to realize the priority for this team was much different and of higher value than any individual task. We started with a team retreat where we learned valuable information about each other that informed the way in which we collaborate, communicate, celebrate, and play. Sitting in our team retreat, overwhelmed with emotion and extreme gratitude, I knew I had hit the jackpot when it came to having a strong team of individuals with unique strengths.
Career and Professional Development has a small and mighty team and we are often asked how we work so well together. That is a question in which the answer comes so easily to any of us as we take great pride in the effort it takes to keep our team strong and dynamic. The success of a team isn’t only about the work tasks accomplished, but the relationships we build and steward. Here are three things I encourage you to consider focusing on with your team.
- Communication –Mind-blowing thought, right? If you are not familiar with the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator, I highly suggest that you and your team take the assessment. One of the main dichotomies of this assessment is extraversion and introversion and the way those two personality types take in information and communicate very differently. It has been extremely helpful for our team to know this about each other when it comes to daily communication, weekly meetings, projects, etc. This has allowed us to be focused in our communication, ensure everyone has a voice at the table and the time needed to formulate thoughtful responses. We strive to be collective and cohesive in our communication.
- Play to each other’s strengths – self-reflection is a powerful technique that some people struggle with. Another great tool that our team utilizes is the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment by Gallup which helps to discover what you naturally do best. For some, it creates light bulb moments of strength clarity while for others, it confirms what you’ve been internalizing and helps you feel more confident in verbalizing your strengths. Our team leverages strengths in our work. Doing what we are good at and what energizes us also brings us joy and allows us to help others.
- Celebrate – everyone has a love language and the same holds true for the ways in which they would like to be recognized at work. Maybe you prefer words of affirmation, public recognition, or even gold stars. It is important to celebrate each other’s successes big and small, personal and professional. Your team might not always get recognition from top leadership, depending on the size of the organization. This can be disappointing and can even chip away at morale. Celebrate the great work your colleagues are doing to keep the team dynamic strong. We have a lot to celebrate in team CPD and have created a culture where we cheer each other on!
Whether it be in athletics, academia, or in our careers, I am certain we have all experienced teams that are challenging or difficult. It is important to remember that there is no magic formula that makes up the perfect team. What you do with the people will make all the difference in how your team functions. If we spend more time on building the relationships and developing people, everything else will start to fall into place.
To get the conversation started with your team, get more information on this topic and work with a career coach. We would love to help your team reach its full potential!