The 2016 Alumni Leaders Conference — an IU weekend you won’t want to miss – is fast approaching! The deadline to register is midnight EST tonight, Friday, June 3.
Join IUAA staff, IU administrators, and fellow alumni leaders for a weekend of training and networking.
Highlights include:
- A tour of the new School of Global and International Studies building led by John Lewis, campus architect, and Chuck Carney, Director of Communication and Marketing at SGIS;
- Hear from IU School of Optometry faculty, Dr. Nick Port and Dr. Steve Hitzeman, who are on the cutting edge of concussion research;
- Plenty of opportunities to share and learn from other alumni leaders in breakout sessions and a networking breakfast;
- “Wit and Wisdom in the Whitt” — a unique opportunity to hear from all three alumni-elected trustees, hosted by Caroline Dowd-Higgins;
- An overview of the IUAA strategic plan paired with an interactive workshop;
- Celebrate volunteer achievement at our IUAA Alumni Awards Banquet;
- The fun continues with bowling, billiards, and beverages at the IMU Bowling Alley or cookies and conversation at the IMU Federal Room;
- Wrap up the weekend with our traditional Alumni Barbecue under the Cream and Crimson tent behind the DeVault Alumni Center.
New this year: Alumni Communities Post-Conference highlighting online training resources, Game Watch Workshop (hosted by Colorado Chapter President Ross Miller), and Finance 101.