Note: We welcome Emili Sperling to the blog today, in a new series, “Put it to work: Practical Advice from IUAA’s Millennial Expert”. We look forward to having Emili join us. Be sure to leave questions or future blog post ideas in the comment section below. Happy Reading!
When I announce my full title to colleagues, alumni and students, many times they have a confused or overwhelmed look on their face.
“Emili Sperling, Alumni Programs Officer for Student and Recent Graduate Enrichment.” What does that mean? A former SAA student actually timed me once. It takes me 8 seconds to say my full name and title.
Having worked with Caroline for the past year, she’s taught me a thing or two about personal branding. She’s dubbed me as IUAA’s Millennial Expert and I’m running with it. Essentially both titles convey the same thing. I work with current students and young alumni, helping them to be as successful as possible as they transition into their alumni status.
Some context for you: Millennials are those born between 1982 and 1995, otherwise known as Generation Y.
As IUAA continues to explore the lifetime engagement model and understanding where alumni are in their lives, my focus has been on Millennials and those alumni falling in the aspiration and promise phases.
I, myself, identify as a Millennial (born in 1985, IU grad of 2008). I, like many of my peers, struggled with the fallout of the Great Recession, the overwhelming burden of student loan payments, and my interest in working for a cause rather than for a paycheck. I’ve had Facebook since I was a freshman in college and I take my iPhone nearly everywhere. I was raised by Hoosier Baby Boomers with a strong work ethic and an appreciation for diversity and culture.
Stereotypes have portrayed Millennials anywhere from lazy, narcissistic, and entitled to well-educated, tech-saavy, and culturally accepting. By 2020 (IU’s Bicentennial), Millennials will make up about 50% of the workforce population. As the workforce population of Millennials continues to grow, therefore our alumni body of Millennials grows, how are we welcoming the next leaders into our IU communities around the world? Millennials are the succession plan and you can help support their potential and leadership growth!
Statistics from the Millennial Impact Survey show that Millennials are incredibly philanthropic, getting involved by volunteering (and donating) to causes they believe in. Here are some ways you and other IU volunteers can get Millennials more involved.
- Peer influence. Millennials are heavily influenced by their peers. Whether it’s attending events or making a donation to a scholarship fund, being encouraged by another Millennial is very powerful. By appointing a few (well connected) Millennials to roles within your governing board, they may be able to drive the attendance and participation of young alumni up.
- Connect with them via technology. As I mentioned before, I’m incredibly connected to technology, especially with my iPhone. If I don’t know the answer to something, I whip out my phone and do a Google search. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) are also the way we network and stay in touch with our friends/family. Consider appointing a Millennial as a social media representative. Their voice and tech-savviness will go a long way in the promotion of your chapters’ events and initiatives.
- Various opportunities with clear volunteer expectations. Getting Millennials to commit to long term volunteer roles may seem overwhelming to them and nearly impossible to your board. Millennials are raising families, traveling a lot in their careers, or just trying to make ends meet to pay rent and student loans. Instead, offer various volunteer opportunities with clear expectations of time commitment. They’re eager to give back with their time and talent now and once they begin to take on longer term volunteer relationships, research shows they give larger gifts and encourage others to do so too.
Best of luck! Engaging young alumni will be your best investment to date.
Catch me on the road as I give LinkedIn and Life After IU presentations across the State of Indiana this month.
Emili Sperling
Alumni Programs Officer
Student and Recent Graduate Enrichment