Membership Tips from Don & the Central Carolina Chapter

With five weeks to go, a total of 125 members have been referred in the ALL IN Membership challenge.

Central Carolina Chapter President Don Kritsch tops our leaderboard with 21 member referrals. Don recently shared his member recruitment tips:

  • Utilize existing IUAA membership resources. For example, having frequently observed an IU flag displayed at a local residence, we entered the street address into the Alumni Directory’s new “advanced search” to identify the IU alum. A follow-up letter packet with complimentary tickets to our Indiana Day alumni brunch resulted in contact with two IU alumni and a new joint membership.
  • Follow up on the monthly membership reports sent out by the Alumni Event & Services Coordinators. The goal here is to help maintain the current membership! Each month we send thank you postcards to every new member, renewed annual members, and new life members. Reminder postcards are also sent to alumni whose memberships are set to expire during the upcoming month. A letter packet containing a renewal form, local event calendar, local chapter marketing insert, basketball or football schedule, and an IU alumnus auto sticker are also sent to alumni whose memberships have lapsed that month. To date, our chapter has experienced around a 30% renewal success rate.
  • Make contact with all individuals showing an interest in IU and/or IUAA. For example, having found that a significant number of the individuals in our chapter’s Facebook group were not IUAA members, a mail campaign was conducted using similar membership letter packets.
  • Wear your IU duds on a frequent basis. This is especially important for identifying IU alumni out of state. We have found that Hoosiers are everywhere and frequently will stop to talk about IU! Our chapter board members carry a locally produced pocket event calendar which also contains IU/IUAA contact and membership information to distribute when they meet fellow alumni out in public.
  • Sell your local IUAA chapter and encourage participation. Again, this is especially important for recruiting out-of-state alumni. It’s easy to sell IU, but we want alumni to reconnect and actively participate in local chapter activities. We have found that participation often leads to new or renewed IUAA memberships!

There’s still time for you to make a difference by recruiting one member!

Have questions or need help? Contact Joan Hall at or 812-855-0980.

Posted in Tips and Tools